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All information and images on this website are subject to copyright protection and other forms of intellectual property protection.

They can be reproduced for non-commercial purposes, which must maintain all stated warnings about copyright and other rights. Any reproduction (copying, reproduction, publishing, transfer) must be stated as the source Gostilna in picerija Zvezda.


Gostilna in picerija Zvezda is committed to protecting the confidentiality of personal data of website users. The collected data will be used exclusively to improve the use of the website and for the purposes that the users of the site will state. Personal data and contact information will not be used for other purposes and without the explicit permission of the user of the site will not be disclosed to third parties. We will do everything to protect your personal data against any violations and abuses.

Limitation of liability

This site has been designed to provide general information about Gostilna in picerija Zvezda. The contents of the site are informative. Gostilna in picerija Zvezda does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the data or for any damage that could be caused to the user of the site because of the use of the information on the site.

We reserve the right to redirect users to other websites and we do not assume any responsibility for their contents.

Gostilna in picerija Zvezda will try to provide accurate and updated data by maintaining the site content up to date, but cannot guarantee and does not assume any responsibility for its accuracy or completeness. All users use the published content at their own risk.

Gostilna in picerija Zvezda reserves the right to modify, add or remove websites (wholly or partially) without prior notice and does not accept responsibility for any consequences of such changes.

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